Trauma, pain, fear, lies and isolation are the food that addiction devours to stay alive. --Steven R. Hobbs
If Pain Were Water
“If pain were water, the world would drown.” —Dennis Prager
Tragedy and Regret
We ought not conflate the pain of tragedy with the suffering of regret. Pain is inevitable; suffering is gratuitous. Tragedy is the painful experience of acknowledging an unfortunate reality. Regret is the experience of acknowledging an unrealized opportunity that could have led to avoiding an unfortunate reality. —Steven R. Hobbs
Pain and Pleasure
“Nothing brings more pain than too much pleasure; nothing more bondage than too much liberty.” --Benjamin Franklin
Addicts Are
“Addicts are those who use compulsive, obsessive, and destructive behavior to escape pain. This expresses itself in two ways: those overwhelmed because they have been exposed to excessive pain and cannot cope healthfully, and those overwhelmed because they have been sheltered from sufficient pain and cannot cope healthfully.” —Steven R. Hobbs
Don't Experience Pain
“Those who don’t experience pain are also addicts.” —Attributed to Dr. Stephen Marmer